Public Career is a National Webinar activity through the Zoom Meeting Platform by APR HMPS regarding Job Prospects, especially for Public Administration graduates. The theme presented on Saturday, May 20, 2023, was Prepare Your Career Goals as a Bachelor of Public Administration.
This activity aims to educate Public Administration students about job prospects after studying and add students’ insights into the world of work, starting from the need for challenges to the best tricks in facing the world of work. So that it provides benefits, namely preparing Public Administration students to become graduates who are able to compete in the world of work.
The implementation of this national webinar is a hunter field project, where the chief executive is Rifat Farhan with the Field Chairperson, Sofi Koidatul Maqfiroh. It is part of the APR HMPS which is chaired by Irna Febriyani with the Advisory Lecturer, Mr. Indra Devian Lumban Gaol, S.AP, M.AP.
In its implementation, it succeeded in inviting more than 100 webinar participants by presenting two expert speakers in their fields. The first speaker is a 2017 Fisip Universitas Diponegoro Public Administration graduate, Dhea Apta Monica, S.A.P who currently works as an Apparatus Human Resources Analyst at the State Civil Service Agency Kanreg I Yogyakarta. The second speaker is Indra Devian Lumban Gaol, S.AP., M.AP., a Lecturer of Public Administration Study Program K. Rembang Universitas Diponegoro.